Office of the Chief State Prosecutor

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The Chief State Prosecutor demands protection of the integrity of the electoral process, increase of efficiency in handling cases of corruption, economic crimes, organized crime, domestic violence and other criminal offenses

2> The Chief State Prosecutor demands protection of the integrity of the electoral process, increase of efficiency in handling cases of corruption, economic crimes, organized crime, domestic violence and other criminal offenses

Prishtina, October 12, 2021 – The Chief State Prosecutor, Aleksandër Lumezi, held a collegium with the Chief Prosecutors of Basic Prosecutions, the Chief Prosecutor of the Special Prosecution, the Chief Prosecutor of the Appellate Prosecution and the Chairman of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, where he addressed issues of interest in function of the rule of law in the Republic of Kosovo.

On the occasion of the local elections to take place on October 17, 2021, Chief State Prosecutor Lumezi requested from all chief prosecutors and prosecutors maximum commitment in the conduct and protection of the integrity of the electoral process.

“As the Chief State Prosecutor, I expect that through fast and complete investigations, maximal seriousness and in time, to assess any information, criminal report or any other indication for the commission of criminal offenses that violate the electoral process, ensuring that all citizens have the opportunity to express their free will through a democratic and fair process and according to western standards and values “, the Chief State Prosecutor emphasized, among other things.

During this meeting, special attention was given to the application of the Law on Extended Powers for Confiscation of Property Acquired through Criminal Offenses, where Chief State Prosecutor Lumezi has requested greater and proactive commitment of chief prosecutors and prosecutors to investigate in addition to filing indictments. and identify assets suspected of being acquired through criminal offenses, in particular criminal offenses related to the misuse of public funds.

Also, the increase of institutional cooperation related to corruption cases, the handling of the Auditor General’s reports, the challenges in resolving cases inherited with unknown persons (PPP), as well as the increase of efficiency in dealing with cases of international legal cooperation were addressed in this meeting.

In order to increase transparency and advance public communication, the Chief State Prosecutor has asked all Chief Prosecutors to work closely with all public communication officers of the prosecutions they lead, so that the media, civil society and the general public to be continuously informed about the work, activities and results of the prosecution body.

At the end of the meeting, the Chief State Prosecutor asked the Chief Prosecutors to increase the performance in the fight against corruption, organized crime, economic crimes, with special emphasis on sequestration and confiscation of property, treatment of war crimes and domestic violence, and to advance the accountability and professionalism of the work of the prosecution offices they lead.