Besim S. Kelmendi was born on 21.03.1962 in the village of Ruhot, Municipality of Peja
Primary school in Trestenik, Peja,
Gymnasium in Peja,
Law Faculty at the University of Prishtina
Bar exam and Exam for minor offense judge in Prishtina
Magistrates at the International University of Struga, Jurisprudence branch
Master in Business College in Prishtina, Criminal Law
Doctorate in Public Sciences – Criminal Law at the European University of Tirana
Trainer certified in the US – NITA Program
Work experience:
One year, practitioner at the District Court in Prishtina,
Two months, secretary at the “Sami Frashëri” Gymnasium in Prishtina,
Three months, translator at the Prishtina District Court,
Twelve years, professional associate in the Prishtina District Court,
One year, professional associate at the Supreme Court of Kosovo,
For four years, Judge in Prishtina District Court,
Six years, Prosecutor in the State Prosecution
Five and a half years, Special Prosecutor in Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo.
From 01.09.2015 and currently, State Prosecutor in the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor
Commitment as a lecturer – trainer:
Lecturer at “BIZNESI” College in Prishtina, European College of Kosovo in Prishtina and
Trainer at the Kosovo Justice Academy in Prishtina,
So far, lecturers and trainers:
Public University of Prishtina – Law Faculty, Lecturer on practical issues – Legal Clinic
Institute of American University in Kosovo, Lecturer on Justice System.
Doctoral School – Republic of Albania, Trainer of prosecutors for representative skills in court
Gjilani College – Unit in Prishtina
Croatia – Dubrovnik, Trainer for prosecutors and lawyers of the Western Balkans
Police Academy in Vushtrri – Kosovo, trainer for basic and advanced courses
Trainer for journalists and officials of many institutions in Kosovo
International Trainings and Seminars:
So far he has attended trainings / seminars in USA, Germany, Italy, France, Austria, Holland, Hungary,
Belgium, Slovenia, Romania, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Croatia, Albania, Macedonia, and Montenegro.
Publishing / Publications:
– “Role of lay judges in Kosovo” Special brochure, 2001, Prishtina.
– “Defendants' Measures in Criminal Proceedings” Kosovo Judicial Center, 2004, Prishtina
– “Witnesses according to the Code of Criminal Procedure of Kosovo” Scientific “BIZNESI”
year 1, no.1, 2008, Prishtina
– “Direct interrogation of the witness as part of the judicial skills development “, Scientific magazine
“BIZNESI” No. 7, 2010 Prishtina
– “Transverse interrogating of the witness as part of judicial skills development” Scientific magazine
“BIZNESI” No. 9-10, 2012 Prishtina.
– “Trafficking of human beings in the times of globalization, Special overview for Kosovo” University of Zenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013.
– “General Guidelines on witness protection procedural measures – the best European Practice in Kosovo
Contest” as co-author, published by NI-CO, funded by the European Union, November 2014
“Preventing Human Trafficking in the Western Balkans” published in the Mediterranean Journal of
Social Sciences, MCSR Publishing, Vol.6 No.2, March 2015, Rome – Italy
– ‘Independence of judicial and prosecutorial system in Kosovo” published in European Scientific
Journal, February 2015 edition vol.11, No.4, 2015
– ” Identification, the initial reference and interviewing victims in trafficking” published in the European
Journal of Research in Social Sciences (EJRSS), Vol. 3 No. 2, 2015
” Basics of the Justice System” published by College “Biznesi” in Prishtina, 2011, republished in 2015.
“Caring for Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings” published in “ECK”; scientific magazine of the European College of Kosovo, No.1, 2015
– ” Illegal migration and smuggling of migrants in Kosovo, published in ” ; ECK &’ scientific magazine of the European College of Kosovo no.2-3, 2016
– Crime Analysis: Organized Crime, human trafficking and migrant smuggling, published “ECK”
scientific magazine of the European College of Kosovo, no. 6, 2017
“Forms of motions in criminal procedure” as a co-author, published by the Academy of Justice (former Kosovo Judicial Institute) and GIZ, Prishtina, 2017
At the Academy of Justice (former Kosovo Judicial Institute) has published the modules:
1. “;Trafficking in Human Beings” 2008,
2. “;Witnesses in Criminal Procedure” 2009,
3. “quot;Development of representation skills in court”; – as co-author, 2011 and
4. “;Serious Crimes “2015
Participation in scientific conferences:
– The 4th International Conference on Social Sciences, the title of the press release- Preventing Human
Trafficking in the Western Balkans – a Particular Review in Albania, Kosovo and Serbia – 27 February
2015, Bucharest, Romania.
– The 4th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Integrating Science in New Global Challenges,
title of the press release: "The Rights of Injured Partiers in Criminal Procedure,
Comparative Aspects Albania – Kosovo ", 27-29 March 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia
– The 3rd Global Virtual Conference, title of the press release: – Illegal migration and smuggling of
migrants in Kosovo – Zilina, Slovakia, April 6-10 2015.
– International Scientific Conference titled – High Education, massification and its challenges towards
European integration- subject of the press release "Kosovo Judicial Institute", Tirana, 2012
– International Scientific Conference titled – The Effects of global hazard in countries in transition”
– The title of the press release: – Trafficking in human beings at the time of globalization – with special
attention in Kosovo", Peja, May 29-30, 2013
– International Scientific Conference titled – 100 years of Justice and Doctrine
– Title of the press release: "The rights of the injured parties in the criminal procedure – comparative
aspects of Kosovo-Albania", Tirana, 09 May 2013
– International Scientific Conference titled "Days of Albanian studies" – Title of the Work: ;Protection of Trafficked Victims , Tirana, 01-04 May 2014.
– Scientific conference “Management of emergencies as precursor of Kosovo economic development and security of its future – Presentation on Terrorism and Organized Crime as a Risk for Kosovo
Security 29 July 2017, Prishtina