Office of the Chief State Prosecutor

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The Acting Chief State Prosecutor requires proactive engagement of chief prosecutors in the mandatory review of investigations

Prishtinë, 25 June 2024 – Acting Chief State Prosecutor, Mr. Besim Kelmendi, has held the regular collegium with all the chief prosecutors and representatives of the country’s prosecutions, in which the prosecutors of the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor and the representative of the US Embassy in Kosovo, Mrs. Edita Kryeziu.

In this meeting, Acting Chief Prosecutor Kelmendi discussed with the chief prosecutors and representatives of the prosecution offices the unification of practices related to the authorizations of the State Prosecutor for the Police, as well as the procedural actions that the prosecutors take before and during the investigations, where in this regard, Acting Chief State Prosecutor Mr. Besim Kelmendi informed the chief prosecutors that he will issue a Mandatory Instruction for all state prosecutors regarding this matter.

Another important topic that was discussed in this meeting was the need for the appointment of responsible prosecutors in each prosecutor’s office for International Legal Cooperation in criminal cases, as well as the representation of the State Prosecutor’s Office in official activities inside and outside the country.

Also, the Acting Chief State Prosecutor, Mr. Besim Kelmendi, has asked the chief prosecutors of the prosecutions to be maximally engaged in increasing the efficiency in the handling of criminal cases and to have a more proactive role in the mandatory review of investigations every three (3) months, as determined by the provision of the article 154 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Kosovo.