Office of the Chief State Prosecutor

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Telegram of condolences from the Chief Prosecutor, prosecutors and staff of the Basic Prosecution in Mitrovica, to the Fejza family, on the occasion of the death of the prosecutor of this Prosecution, Ibrahim Fejza

2> Telegram of condolences from the Chief Prosecutor, prosecutors and staff of the Basic Prosecution in Mitrovica, to the Fejza family, on the occasion of the death of the prosecutor of this Prosecution, Ibrahim Fejza

Mitrovica, March 23, 2021

Dear Fejza Family,

We received the news of the death of your family member and colleague of ours and very dear and respected collaborator, prosecutor Ibrahim Fejza, with deep pain and sorrow.

On this occasion, we express our condolences by sharing the pain with you, his death is a great loss for you as a family, but also for us as colleagues of the deceased and the entire prosecutorial system of the Republic of Kosovo.

The late prosecutor Ibrahim Fejza will always remain in our memories as an example of professional, human and loving commitment to the team and beyond.

May the memory of him be eternal!


Chief Prosecutor
Ismet Ujkani