Office of the Chief State Prosecutor

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Persons suspected of participating in or organizing an organized criminal group are arrested

2> Persons suspected of participating in or organizing an organized criminal group are arrested

Prishtinë, March 24, 2021

The Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo and the Kosovo Police, respectively the Directorate for Investigation of Organized Crime have conducted the second successful operation against two criminal groups involved in the criminal offense “Participation or Organization of an Organized Criminal Group” related to “Smuggling” with migrants ”and “ Forgery of documents ”.

The first operation was conducted on October 29, 2020 where search on five (5) different locations has been carried out and three (3) suspects were arrested.

Meanwhile, in today’s operation, twelve (12) locations have been searched and nine (9) suspects were arrested, while two others were released in due process.

During searching of the locations in both of these operations, workshops (laboratories) were found equipped with equipment and materials that were used for the production of various forged documents as well as hundreds of forged documents such as passports, identification cards, forged driver’s licenses , more than sixteen (16) different countries mainly of EU countries.

In both of these operations,  twelve (12) suspects were arrested who, by order of the prosecutor, are being held in custody and the others in detention on remand according to the Court decision.

In both cases, the investigations were conducted in cooperation with: EUROPOL, Albania and several EU countries.

Apparatus, materials that were used to commit criminal offenses, as well as forged documents and other material evidence were seized as material evidence.

Below and attached find photos of cases with descriptions.
Improvised laboratory for the regulation of forged documents (passport, residence permit, driver’s license, etc.).
Work tools and accompanying equipment for processing forged documents.

Passport, ID card and blank driver’s license.


Public Information and Relations Office-KP