Office of the Chief State Prosecutor

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Indictment for aggravated murder in the Green Market in Mitrovica

2> Indictment for aggravated murder in the Green Market in Mitrovica

Mitrovicë, 29 October 2021 – Basic Prosecution in Mitrovica – Department of Serious Crimes, has filed an indictment, in the Basic Court in Mitrovica, against the defendant JSC, in relation to the criminal offense “Aggravated Murder”, under Article 173 paragraph 1 point 1.5 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo (CCRK).

The Prosecution announces the opinion that on April 17, 2021, at around 12:40 inside the Green Market in Mitrovica, the defendant intentionally deprived the deceased VF of his life, in such a way that after a verbal conversation regarding the growth of the fig seedling comes to the physical conflict, where first the deceased hits the defendant with scissors on the head and causes a tear wound in the head region, while the defendant Sh.A., draws his revolver and hits the victim who dies as consequence of injuries received.

As a result of the shooting of the defendant, the injured party L.F. was also injured, as well as the passer-by of the case A.A.

With these actions, the defendant committed the criminal offense of Aggravated Murder”, from Article 173 paragraph 1 point 1.5 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo (CCRK).

The State Prosecutor proposed to the Basic Court in Mitrovica that the defendant be found guilty of the criminal offense and sentenced according to law.