Office of the Chief State Prosecutor

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Detention on remand is requested for the criminal offense “Endangering public traffic” with fatality

2> Detention on remand is requested for the criminal offense “Endangering public traffic” with fatality

Ferizaj, June 07, 2021 – The Basic Prosecution in Ferizaj, General Department, has submitted a request for detention on remand in the Basic Court in Ferizaj, against the defendant E.M., from Ferizaj, due to reasonable suspicion that he has committed the offense “Endangering public traffic” under Article 370 paragraph 9 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo (CCRK).

According to the request of the Prosecution, there is a grounded suspicion that on 06 June 2021, at around 15:37, on the highway Ferizaj-Shtime, exactly in the village Koshare, municipality of Ferizaj, the defendant E.M., while driving a vehicle “Audi A8” , upon reaching the company “LS Qeramika” by negligence, has acted in violation of the law on road traffic rules and by not adapting the speed of movement to road conditions in the settlement and by not respecting traffic rules, overtakes the solid line and passes in the left lane of the road and with the front part of the vehicle hits the vehicle of the brand “Golf II”, who was driving from the opposite direction Shtime-Ferizaj, where in this accident the driver suffers fatal injuries of the vehicle type “Golf II”, and the other three passengers, now deceased Xh.R., S.R., and his minor son, while the passenger I.R. suffers serious bodily injuries, which was sent to the University Clinical Center of Kosovo (UCCK) for further medical treatment.

With these actions it is suspected that the defendant E.M., has committed the above mentioned criminal offense, for which he has been detained for 48 hours.