Office of the Chief State Prosecutor

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Chief Prosecutor Ujkani and Prosecutor Syla met with the heads of the Regional Police Directorate in Mitrovica

2> Chief Prosecutor Ujkani and Prosecutor Syla met with the heads of the Regional Police Directorate in Mitrovica

Mitrovica, March 24, 2021- The Chief Prosecutor of the Basic Prosecution of Mitrovica, Mr. Ismet Ujkani and the prosecutor Mr. Shyqyri Syla, held a working meeting with the leading structures of the Regional Police Directorate in Mitrovica, Director Aferdita Mikullovci, the commanders of Mitrovica South and Skenderaj, as well as with the heads of investigations in the region and police stations.

During the meeting, various issues of cooperation were discussed between the Basic Prosecution of Mitrovica and the Regional Police in Mitrovica, challenges in bilateral cooperation, priorities and various discussions of interest to both parties.

Among other things, during the meeting, Chief Prosecutor Ujkani asked the police leaders of the Regional Directorate in Mitrovica to also prioritize cases of corruption and economic crimes, domestic violence, at the same time to continue close monitoring of all schools in order to negative phenomena among young people are avoided.
Also, Chief Prosecutor Ujkani has asked the police leaders to continue holding regular meetings between the prosecution and the police, because the cooperation between these institutions is the key to success.