Office of the Chief State Prosecutor

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The Chief State Prosecutor and the Chief of EULEX discuss strengthening the rule of law

2> The Chief State Prosecutor and the Chief of EULEX discuss strengthening the rule of law

Prishtina, April 27, 2021 – The Chief State Prosecutor, Aleksandër Lumezi, received in a meeting the Chief of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo, EULEX, Lars-Gunnar Wigemark.

The purpose of this meeting was to discuss professional issues related to the field of rule of law, fight against corruption, coordination and inter-institutional cooperation, changes in criminal legislation, as well as reforms aimed at consolidating justice institutions, namely the institution of the State Prosecutor.

Also, an important part of this meeting was the joint discussion on the findings of the draft report regarding the problems and challenges faced by Kosovar rule of law partners during the pandemic period, which will be published in May.

On this occasion, Chief State Prosecutor Lumezi praised the role of the EULEX mission in monitoring the work of judicial institutions, with special emphasis on the prosecutorial system, and stated that the findings and recommendations of the monitoring report will be addressed and taken seriously by the State Prosecutor.
On the other hand, the Chief of EULEX Wigemark, expressed the institutional readiness to give their contribution in various processes aimed at strengthening the rule of law in the Republic of Kosovo.

In the end, both sides evaluated this meeting as very useful and productive and expressed mutual readiness to deepen cooperation in the future.