Gjilan Basic Prosecutor's Office

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Weekly Overview from the Basic Prosecution in Gjilan

 Gjilan, August 26, 2024 – The Basic Prosecution in Gjilan, during the last week, specifically from August 19 to August 25, 2024, registered a total of forty-nine (49) criminal reports against fifty-four (54) individuals.

Additionally, during this week, the following were processed:

  • – Thirty-three (33) indictments against thirty-five (35) individuals,
  • – Seventeen (17) rulings (including rulings to initiate investigations, to start preparatory proceedings, to dismiss investigations, to expand investigations, to reject the criminal report, medical-legal rulings, and rulings for investigations),
  • – Six (6) requests for the imposition of detention on remand against six (6) individuals,
  • – Two (2) cases involving the treatment of mediation procedures.


Furthermore, during this period, six (6) persons were detained by duty prosecutors, and forty-three (43) parties were interviewed by prosecutors of this directorate.