Gjilan Basic Prosecutor's Office

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Detention on remand is required against a person suspected of usury

Gjilan, July 30, 2020 – The Basic Prosecution of Gjilan, Department for Serious Crimes, has requested from the competent Court in Gjilan, the detention on remand against the suspect A.L., within 30 days, due to suspicion that he has committed the offense “Usury”, under Article 331 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo.

According to the request, there is a grounded suspicion that the suspect A.L., taking advantage of the difficult financial situation of the victim E.I., during 2017, in different periods of time, gave him usurious money in the total amount of 100,000 Euros, in order since then to claim it with an interest of 30%, in which case the total value according to the agreement that the injured party had to return to the suspect was 130,000 Euros, where with these actions he has brought him in a serious financial and psychic – emotional situation.

The suspect A.L., by decision of the state prosecutor is under the measure of detention on remand for 48 hours.