Gjilan Basic Prosecutor's Office

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Detention on Remand Requested for 3 Individuals for Attempted Aggravated Murder and Unauthorized Possession of Weapons

Gjilan, August 9, 2024 – The Basic Prosecution in Gjilan, Department for Serious Crimes, has submitted a motion for detention to the Basic Court in Gjilan against the defendants N.H. and N.B., on suspicion of committing the criminal offenses of “Attempted Aggravated Murder” and “Unauthorized Ownership, Control, or Possession of Weapons,” and against the defendant A.B. for the offense of “Unauthorized Ownership, Control, or Possession of Weapons,” as per the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo.

According to the motion, there is a grounded suspicion that on August 8, 2024, at approximately 10:07 AM, in the municipality of Vitia, the defendant N.H., with intent, attempted to take the lives of the defendants N.B. and A.B. due to property disputes. Upon seeing them arrive at the disputed property with their sons, N.H. went to his house, retrieved an AK-47 automatic rifle, and fired continuously in their direction, injuring the defendant N.B. in the leg and the defendant A.B. in both legs, also endangering other individuals present at the scene.

The defendant N.B. had a firearm with him and, upon seeing the defendant N.H. emerge from his house with a weapon, fired several shots in his direction but failed to hit him, thereby also endangering the life of his wife, who was with him.

The defendant A.B. is suspected of illegal possession of a weapon, which was found during a search of his house, and all the weapons belonging to the defendants have been seized by the police officers.