Gjilan Basic Prosecutor's Office

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Indictment for abuse of official position or authority

Gjilan, 05 March 2021– The Basic Prosecution in Gjilan, Department for Serious Crimes,

has filed an indictment against the defendant A.E., due to the criminal offense “Abuse of

official position or authority”, under Article 422 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code of the

Republic of Kosovo.

According to the indictment, in January 2018, in the village of Pozheran, municipality of

Viti, defendant AE, as an official in the position of Advisor to the Mayor of Kllokot, using

his official position, for the purpose of material gain and causing of the damage of the

economic operator ” NTP Blina ”, has exceeded its competencies, by reaching a verbal

agreement with the representative of the above-mentioned operator to place inventories

in the new municipal building, promising that later legal procedures will be implemented

and payment will be made by the municipality of Kllokot.

The representative of the economic operator has placed all the ordered inventory in the

new building of the municipality of Kllokot and so far no payment has been made by the

municipality, in which case he was materially damaged in the amount of 4,460 euros.

With these actions, the defendant A.E., has committed the above mentioned criminal


Respectfully, Office for Public Communication in OCSP Basic Prosecution Gjilan

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