Gjilan Basic Prosecutor's Office

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Indictment due to mistreatment during exercise of official duty or public authorization

Gjilan, November 24, 2021 – The Basic Prosecution in Gjilan, General Department, has filed an indictment against the defendant H.R., due to the criminal offense “ Mistreatment during exercise of official duty or public authorization ”, under Article 195 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo.

According to the indictment, the defendant H.R., on 01 November 2021, in a primary school of the municipality of Viti, abused his duty and authority, so that while he was acting as a teacher he mistreated, intimidated and severely insulted the dignity of the injured party, 13-year-old student, in the way that she initially loudly yells at her, rolls over her bag against the desk then attacks her by slapping her in the face and when the victim wants to leave the classroom, he stops her by pushing her with his hands and slams her onto the chair.

With these actions, defendant H.R., committed the aforementioned criminal offense.