Gjilan Basic Prosecutor's Office

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Aggravated murder in the municipality of Kamenica

Gjilan July 25, 2020 – The Basic Prosecution of Gjilan, Department for Serious Crimes, informs you that today, in the municipality of Kamenica, a person is suspected of depriving his wife of her life.

The incident happened around 13:20, in the village of Berivojcë, municipality of Kamenica, where the suspect N.M., about 42 years old, is suspected that with a tool – a metal – rod he deprived of life his wife, now deceased S.M., about 34 years old. In this way, it is suspected that he committed the criminal offense “Aggravated Murder”, under Article 173 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo.

The prosecutor of the case, the police and the medical team went to the scene, in which case the doctor on duty confirmed the death of the deceased and by order of the prosecutor the lifeless body of the victim was sent for autopsy to the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Pristina.

Whereas, the suspect N.M, with the decision of the prosecutor has been detained for a period of 48 hours and within the legal deadline against him will be required measures to secure the defendant in criminal proceedings.