Prizren Basic Prosecutor's Office

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Indictment for obstructing an official person in performing official duties

Prizren, 19 May 2020 – The Basic Prosecution in Prizren, General Department, has filed an indictment against the defendant with the initials H.Sh., due to reasonable suspicion that he committed the criminal offense “Obstructing an official person in performing official duties” under Article 401 paragraph 5 in conjunction with paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo (KPRK).

According to the indictment, the defendant H.Sh., on 18.02.2020, at around 16:00, the street “Nora Kelmendi” in Prizren, have obstructed by seriously threatening the officials in their performance of official duties and that officials N.B., V.K., and J.R., in such a way that after the police officers of the Quick Reaction Unit – QRU, during the patrol pulled over the vehicle “Mercedes Benz” model, in which occasion, following the vehicle search, they arrested two suspects B.Sh., and SR, for unauthorized possession of weapons.

At that moment, the defendant H.Sh. passes by the scene, and asks the police officers for clarification of the reason for the arrest of his two friends. They warned same person and ordered him to leave and not to obstruct the police officers, but despite this, the defendant does not follow the orders and continues to threaten the police officers. After threatening words, the police officers arrested him, where during the search of the same, they found a sharp tool – a razor, which he was carrying with him.

With these acts, the defendant H.Sh., has fulfilled the elements of the criminal offense “Obstructing of official persons in the performance of official duties” under the CCRK.

The prosecutor of the case, upon having filed the indictment, proposed to the Court to find the accused guilty and punish him according to the law, for the criminal offense that is charged.