Mitrovica Basic Prosecutor's Office

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One month detention against the Police Officer who abused his official position

Mitrovica, May 27, 2022 – The Basic Court in Mitrovica has approved the request of the Basic Prosecution in Mitrovica, and the defendant A.R., has been remanded in detention for one (1) month, due to reasonable suspicion that he has committed the criminal offenses “Abuse of official position or authority”, “Obstruction of evidence or official procedure”, as well as “Providing assistance to perpetrators after committing criminal offenses “.

Defendant A.R., a police officer of the Quick Reaction Unit, damaged the security cameras that were located at the business premise in the village of Izvor – Zvecan municipality, owned by the suspect S.N., where the search was conducted and the laboratory for production of narcotics substances was found and 10 thousand narcotic plants of marijuana type were found.