Mitrovica Basic Prosecutor's Office

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Chief Prosecutor of Mitrovica BP orders initiation on investigation of video-recordings published on Indeksonline news portal

Mitrovica, October 04, 2019 – Chief Prosecutor of Basic Prosecution in Mitrovica – Shyqyri Syla, has ordered the Regional Unit for Investigation of Economic Crime and Corruption in South Mitrovica, to initiate investigations pertinent to the publication of video recording on the Indekssonline portal published on 03 October 2019, in which footage is alleged that the voice of S.T is heard, who is the brother of the mayor of Vushtrri Xh.T.

Chief Prosecutor Syla has requested from the Regional Unit for Investigation of Economic Crime and Corruption in South Mitrovica to clarify this case and has requested to treat this matter as a priority.