Gjakova Basic Prosecutor's Office

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Motion asking detention on remand against a defendant for the criminal offenses of fraud and blackmail

Gjakovë, February 1, 2024 – The Basic Prosecution Office in Gjakova, General Department, has applied for a motion to impose the measure of detention on remand for a duration of 30 days by the Basic Court in Gjakova, against the defendant with the initials A.B.
According to the motion filed by the Prosecution, the defendant A.B., in order to obtain unlawful financial benefit through the false presentation of facts, deceives and misleads the other person, inciting him to act to the detriment of his property and that of the injured party A.H., in such a way that after the victim had a sick daughter, she came into contact with the defendant and presented herself as a person with religious healing abilities. In the name of this recovery, the injured person constantly sends money through the transfer agency in the amount of 10,000.00 Francs.
Also, the defendant, in order to gain unlawful financial benefit for himself, threatens the person, that he will reveal their extramarital relationship, and for this he asks for money by withdrawing the Swiss pension and bringing it to the defendants. When the victim realizes that she is a victim of deceit and refuses to send him more money, the defendant, with a fake account, sends all the photos and videos to her husband through the Facebook social network.
These actions constitute the suspicion that the defendant has committed the criminal offense “Fraud” under Article 323 paragraph 1 of the CCRK, as well as the criminal offense “Blackmail” under Article 329 paragraph 2 of the CCRK.