Gjakova Basic Prosecutor's Office

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Detention on Remand Requested for Two Individuals for Criminal Offenses of Attacking Official Persons and Obstructing Official Persons in Performing Official Duties

Gjakova, August 12, 2024 – The Basic Prosecution in Gjakova, Department of Serious Crimes, informs the public that a motion has been submitted to the Basic Court in Gjakova for the imposition of a 30-day detention period against the defendants with the initials Gj.P. and P.I.

According to the Prosecution’s motion, it is stated that there is a well-founded suspicion that on August 10, 2024, around 23:20, in Gjakova, the defendants, in co-perpetration and with intent, attacked an official person in connection with their official duties, causing serious bodily injuries to the injured police officer M.S. Specifically, on the critical night, the injured officer noticed that a person had damaged the mirror of a motorcycle parked near a local establishment. The officer instructed the person to stop and identified himself as a police officer. In response, the defendants initially insulted him verbally, and then both defendants grabbed the injured officer by the throat, pushing him to the ground and attempting to seize his official weapon from his belt, which resulted in serious bodily injuries to the officer. These actions raise a well-founded suspicion that the defendants committed the criminal offense of attacking an official person in co-perpetration under Article 402, paragraph 6, in connection with paragraphs 2 and 1, and Article 31 of the CCRK.

On the same date, time, and place, the defendants, acting in co-perpetration, used force to attempt to obstruct official persons in performing their official duties, specifically the police officers/injured parties E.G., A.H., and E.P. When the officers, who were on duty and responding to the information received from the base about the aforementioned incident, informed the defendants that they were under arrest, the defendants resisted, refusing to comply and continued to obstruct their arrest. These actions raise a well-founded suspicion that the defendants committed the criminal offense of obstructing official persons in performing official duties in co-perpetration under Article 401, paragraph 5, in connection with paragraph 1, and Article 31 of the CCRK.