Gjakova Basic Prosecutor's Office

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Chief Prosecutor Enis Gashi hosted the Executive Assistant of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Ilionis, Ms. Meghan Morrisey and representatives from the US Embassy in Kosovo

Gjakova, January 24, 2024 – Chief Prosecutor of the Basic Prosecution, Gjakova, Mr. Enis Gashi, has received in a meeting the Executive Assistant of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Ilionis , Mrs. Meghan Morrisey , the Resident Legal Advisor at the US Embassy in Kosovo, Mr. Erin Cox and the Senior Legal Specialist at OPDAT , Mrs. Benina Kusari.

During the meeting, the Chief Prosecutor Gashi discussed with those present about the management and performance of the Prosecution Office, the challenges and achievements of the Prosecution Office, the treatment of cases of domestic violence, cases of criminal offenses against sexual integrity, relating to the needs for additional training. for the prosecutor, in relation to various criminal offenses with the aim of advancing investigations and solving cases and recommendations which aim to advance the work of this prosecution. 

The chief prosecutor thanked Ms. Meghan Morrisey , who initially shared her experience and experience related to leadership skills, as well as for the visit, appreciating the continuous support of the Embassy of the United States of America in the rule of law.