Gjakova Basic Prosecutor's Office

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Detention on Remand is Requested for the Defendant for the Criminal Offense of Causing General Danger

Gjakova, August 22, 2024 – The Basic Prosecution in Gjakova, General Department, informs the public that a motion has been submitted to the Basic Court in Gjakova to impose a detention on remand for the duration of 30 days against the defendant with the initials T.K.

According to the Prosecution’s motion, among other things, it is stated that there is a well-founded suspicion that on August 21, 2024, at approximately 17:45 in front of the Kosovo Police building—Regional Directorate in Gjakova, the defendant T.K., with intent and purpose to destroy the building and official vehicles, caused material damage and posed a significant danger to the lives of police officers. On the critical day, the defendant T.K., equipped with four bottles filled with gasoline and burning oil, approached the police building and threw all the bottles towards the building, which ended up on two official police vehicles, setting them on fire. However, the police officers quickly responded, extinguished the fire, and subsequently arrested the defendant, who was fleeing the scene.

These actions establish a well-founded suspicion that the defendant committed the criminal offense of “Causing General Danger” under Article 356, paragraph 3, in connection with paragraph 1 of the CCRK