Gjakova Basic Prosecutor's Office

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Indictment against a person for the criminal offense of “Murder”

Gjakova, April 19, 2024 – The Basic Prosecution Office in Gjakova, Department of Serious Crimes, has filed an indictment against the defendant D.LL., due to the criminal offense of Murder under Article 30 par.2 item 3 of the Criminal Code.

According to the indictment, among other things, the defendant D.LL., on 12.07.2003, at around 09:00, in the village of Raçë, Gjakova Municipality, near the store “V…”, intentionally and due to revenge as result blood feud deprived of life N.N., aged 47, from Raçë village, Gjakova Municipality, in such a way that due to the murder of his father, whom the deceased N.N. had deprived of life 12 years ago, on the critical day, the defendant goes in the aforementioned place with his red Golf 3 car, following the movements of the now deceased and when he entered the store “V…” to buy some groceries, the defendant D.LL ., waits for him and notices that he comes out of the store from a close range shot in his direction 28 times in different parts of the body, and when the victim falls to the ground, the defendant again shot in the direction of the victim’s head, causing wounds multiple gunshots to the head, chest and limbs, the victim died at the scene from the injuries received.

The defendant was on the run from the time of the commission of this criminal offense.

The same was arrested with an international arrest warrant and was extradited from the USA to Kosovo.

The prosecutor of the case, when the indictment was filed, proposed to the court that the defendant be declared guilty and punished according to the law for the criminal offense he is charged with.