Ferizaj Basic Prosecutor's Office

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Request for Detention of Two Individuals for the Criminal Offense of “Grievous Bodily Injury”

Ferizaj, August 16, 2024 – The Basic Prosecution Office in Ferizaj informs the public that it has requested the Basic Court in Ferizaj to impose a 30-day detention measure against the suspects B.Xh. and V.Xh., from the municipality of Shtime. This request is based on suspicions of the criminal offense of “Grievous Bodily Injury” as defined by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo.

According to the prosecution, there is substantiated suspicion that on August 14, 2024, around 10:00 PM in Shtime, at the “Ahmet Shtimja” town square, the suspects deliberately and in collaboration inflicted bodily harm on the victim, G.B. The incident occurred following a dispute and altercation. Initially, the suspect B.Xh. used a sharp object (a knife, which is suitable for causing grievous bodily injury) to strike the victim in the right eye. Subsequently, the suspect V.Xh. used a metal object (a metal knuckle, which is also suitable for causing grievous bodily injury) to hit the victim in the back, causing bodily injuries that required medical attention at the Primary Health Care Center in Shtime. The suspects are charged with the criminal offense of “Grievous Bodily Injury” under Article 186, paragraph 3, subparagraph 3.2 in conjunction with paragraph 2, subparagraph 2.2, and Article 31 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kosovo.

Since August 14, 2024, the suspects have been under a 48-hour detention measure, as ordered by the State Prosecutor, for the aforementioned criminal offense.