Ferizaj Basic Prosecutor's Office

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Detention on Remand Requested for the Accused in the Criminal Offense of “Domestic Violence”

Ferizaj, August 13, 2024 – The Basic Prosecution in Ferizaj informs the public that it has requested from the Basic Court in Ferizaj the imposition of a detention on remand for a period of 30 days against the suspect R.J., due to reasonable suspicion that on August 8, 2024, around 07:30 AM in Ferizaj, on “Gëzim Sahiti” Street, specifically in a market, the accused, with the intent to exert control and undermine the dignity of the victim—his girlfriend B.B., with whom he cohabits—committed physical violence in violation of the Law on Prevention and Protection from Domestic Violence, Violence Against Women, and Gender-Based Violence. This act was committed after a disagreement over the victim leaving the house, during which he punched her once on the left side of the face, grabbed her by the hair, dragging her until she fell, and then kicked her once in the back of the head, thereby committing the criminal offense of “Domestic Violence” under Article 248, paragraph 1, of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo.

The accused has been under a 48-hour detention order issued by the State Prosecutor since August 12, 2024, for the aforementioned criminal offense.