Ferizaj Basic Prosecutor's Office

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Detention on Remand Requested for Suspects in the Bibaj Murder Case

Ferizaj, August 17, 2024 – The Basic Prosecution in Ferizaj, Department of Serious Crimes, informs the public that it has requested the Basic Court in Ferizaj to impose a 30-day detention on remand for the suspects F.R. and J.M. in connection with the aggravated murder case in the village of Bibaj, Ferizaj municipality.

According to the Prosecution, there is reasonable suspicion that on August 16, 2024, at approximately 19:26 hours, at the entrance of the “Fan Palace” wedding hall parking lot on “Engjëll Zefi” Street in the village of Bibaj, Ferizaj municipality, the defendant F.R., with intent and due to base motives, aimed to deprive the victim of life as soon as they observed the victim entering the aforementioned parking lot. The defendants, each in their respective vehicles, stopped at the scene, where defendant J.M. was armed with a blunt object (a hatchet) and rushed towards the victim. Meanwhile, defendant F.R. fired several shots at the victim, S.S., with an official automatic firearm, endangering other individuals present with the victim. As a result, the victim died at the scene. This act constitutes the criminal offense of “Aggravated Murder,” jointly committed, under Article 173, paragraph 1, sub-paragraphs 1.5 and 1.8 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo.

The defendants have been under 48-hour detention since August 16, 2024, by order of the State Prosecutor for the aforementioned criminal offense.