Special Prosecution

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Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo indicted 45 People for Serious Crimes against the Constitutional Order, Financing of Terrorism and Money Laundering

Pristina, September 11, 2024 – The Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo has filed an indictment in the Pristina Basic Court – Special Department, against 45 defendants, including a legal entity and a person responsible, for serious criminal offenses that include the commission of terrorist offenses, crimes against the constitutional order and security of the Republic of Kosovo, the financing of terrorism and money laundering.

The indictement  was filed against  people with initials  M.R, B.S, V.T, D.M, V.R, U.J, M.J, V.A, A.M, L.S, V.D, V.V, S.J, M.K, U.M, T.V, D.V, V.J, S.P, N.S, M.V, S.R, M.R, M.A, ZH.C, K.D, S.M, M.S, A.J, R.G, I.M, G.Z, N.R, R.A, M.M, GJ.B, D.GJ, D.V, A.T, M.K, M.N, N.I, V.I, as well as against the legal entity “R” and the responsible person R.S.

The criminal offenses charged include

  1. Commission of terrorist offenses: According to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo, article 129 par. 3 connected to par. 1 and article 128 par.1, points 1.1, 1.3, 1.7 and 1.10.
  2. Serious crimes against constitutional order and security: According to article 126 par. 1, subpar. 1 and 1.2 connected to article  118 of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo .
  3. Facilitating and financing the commission of terrorism: the actions of the defendant M.R. include the financing of terrorist acts, according to article 131 of the Criminal Code, connected to article 57 of the Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism.
  4. Money Laundering: The accused M.R., the legal entity “R”, and person responsible R.S., are accused of money laundering, according to article 302 of the Criminal Code, connected to article 56 of the Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism.

According to the indictment, the defendants attempted to separate the northern part of the territory of the Republic of Kosovo, in order to join this territory to the Republic of Serbia. During this action, as a result of the violence used, the police officer Afrim Bunjaku was deprived of life and the lives of other police officers and the civilian population were endangered.

The Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo remains committed to the prosecution of all cases that violate the constitutional order and public security, using all legal means to ensure justice and security for the citizens of the country.