Special Prosecution

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With the authorization of the Special Prosecution, a person suspected of war crimes is arrested

Pristina, September 12, 2024 – Police investigators from the Directorate for the Investigation of War Crimes, in coordination, cooperation and with the authorization of the prosecutor of the Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo, today on September 12, 2024, arrested the suspect T.P., of Serbian nationality, due to the suspicion that he has committed the criminal offense of ‘war crime against the civilian population’, this offense sanctioned by Article 142 in relation to Article 22 of the Criminal Law of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (hereinafter “CL-SFRY”) as the law in force at the time of committing the criminal offense.

During the war in Kosovo, around March 1999, in the Municipality of Istog, the suspect committed various criminal offenses including looting and destruction of the property of the civilian population.

By order of the case prosecutor, the defendant is under  arrest and police detention, to be sent to the Pre-trial Judge , within the legal term.