Appellate Prosecutor's Office

The Prosecutor’s Office of Appeal in Pristina, was established to act near the Court of Appeal, and has jurisdiction over the entire territory of the Republic of Kosovo, and consists of:

  • Department for Serious Crimes
  • Juvenile Department
  • General Department

The Appeals Prosecutor’s Office in Pristina covers the entire territory of the Republic of Kosovo.

  • The Appeals Prosecution in Pristina, led by the Chief Prosecutor, Deputy Chief Prosecutor,

there are twelve (12) prosecutors together with the Chief Prosecutor and twenty-three (23) support/administrative staff.


Luljeta Kollona

Tel: 038 / 200-18-857
Postal address: Palace of Justice, Object C, Hajvali – Pristina.


A total of twenty-three (23) people, support staff, are engaged in the administration of the Appeals Prosecution in Pristina, of which:
Administrator – 1

Head of the Writing Sector – 1

Referent – 3

Translator – 1

Professional Associate – 8 Archivist – 1

Legal secretaries – 1

Legal officer – 5

Official for media information and monitoring – 1

Driver – 1

Official for the distribution of documents – 1