Prishtina Basic Prosecutor's Office

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The Acting Chief State Prosecutor requests from the chief prosecutors of the prosecution offices commitment in strengthening the rule of law

Prishtina, January 20, 2023 – Acting Chief State Prosecutor, Mr. Besim Kelmendi, held a meeting of the Collegium of the chief prosecutors of the country prosecution offices, in which the chief prosecutors, representatives of the prosecutions and the prosecutors of the State Prosecutor’s Office participated, with whom they discussed various professional issues.

During this meeting, the preparations being made for the implementation of the New Code of Criminal Procedure were discussed. With particular emphasis, the changes foreseen by the new Criminal Procedure Code were discussed, as well as the challenges and difficulties that prosecutors may face at the beginning of the implementation of the changes foreseen by this Code.

Also, during this meeting, the punitive policy was discussed. Regarding this issue, the Acting Chief State Prosecutor, Mr. Besim Kelmendi asked all chief prosecutors for increased commitment in monitoring the work of prosecutors in terms of their complaints and proposals in the final words for the punitive policy, specifically asked for commitment in cases where we are dealing with recidivists.

The use of the case management system in the prosecution system of the Republic of Kosovo was another topic discussed during this meeting. Regarding this issue, the Acting Chief State Prosecutor, Mr. Besim Kelmendi asked all the chief prosecutors to follow and oblige the prosecutors to use this program known as CMIS.