Prishtina Basic Prosecutor's Office

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Prishtina, June 13, 2024 – The Basic Prosecution Office in Prishtina, announces to the public that according to their official duties, the State Prosecutor, at the same time the coordinator for narcotics crimes in full coordination with the Kosovo Police-Directorate for the Investigation of Narcotics Trafficking, have undertaken investigative actions regarding the suspicions of committing the criminal offense of “Purchasing and selling narcotics”, in which case during yesterday, the coded plan “Conclusion” was carried out, on the street “Kongresi i Drejtshkrimit” in Prishtina, around 18:00, which has resulted first with the arrest of the suspect L.Sh., by the police and then with the detention of the same by the State Prosecutor, due to the suspicion of committing the criminal offenses “Unauthorized purchase, possession, distribution and sale of narcotics , psychotropic and analogous substancës” and “Attack against an official person”, according to the CPRK.

The suspect, in order to avoid arrest and detention, hit the official police car with his car, causing material damage, as well as causing physical injuries to two police officials, for which they received the necessary medical treatment.

During the search, a suspected amount of narcotics wrapped in a bag was found on the suspect’s body and car. Whereas, after the implementation of the order for the search, which was carried out in two locations, Prishtina and Fushë Kosovë, as well as the search of the suspect’s car, the following were found and seized: 6 bags of narcotics of the marijuana type weighing 511.6 grams, marijuana in weight of 102.5 grams, 3.9 grams of cocaine, a quantity of empty bags, a digital measuring scale, a mobile phone and €282 (cash).

The suspect is under detention for 48 hours, until the prosecution will take further legal actions against him.

We inform you that this operation was carried out successfully thanks to the close cooperation of the State Prosecutor with the Kosovo Police.