Prishtina Basic Prosecutor's Office

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Indictment for Incitement to commit a terrorist offense

Prishtinë, December 8,  2020 – The Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo has filed  indictment in the Basic Court in Prishtina – Special Department, against the defendant F.M,  on charges  “Incitement to commit terrorist acts” under article 134 of the CCRK.

The Special Prosecution notifies that the defendant F.M. on 19.10.2020, on the social network “Facebook”, in Fushë Kosovë, deliberately and intent  has posted exclamation with threatening content toward the Ambassador of the Republic of Kosovo in France, Mr. Qëndrim Gashi, with the content “Qëndrim Gashi in short should be killed”  and “there is still  like you, this dog Qëndrim Gashi will  be killed”, because the injured party had posted a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad on his profile in Twitter,   as a sign of reaction to the murder of the teacher in France, so  the defendant with these posts has called for the purpose of inciting to commit a terrorist act and causing the risk that one or more such acts will be committed.

With these actions the defendant F.M. has committed the criminal offense “Incitement to commit terrorist acts” from article 134 of the CCRK.

Respectfully ,

Public Communication Office-OChSP

Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosova