Prishtina Basic Prosecutor's Office

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Telegram of condolences from the Chief State Prosecutor, Aleksandër Lumezi, addressed to the Fejza family, on the occasion of the death of the Prosecutor of the Basic Prosecution in Mitrovica, Ibrahim Fejza

Prishtina, March 23, 2021

Dear family Fejza,

When we expected for your family member and our colleague, Ibrahim Fejza, to win the battle with the disease that had weighed on him and, eagerly, we waited for his return to work, today, suddenly, sadly and with great pain, we received the news of the departure of prosecutor Ibrahim.
You lost an excellent parent and family member, while the justice system lost a great professional.
On this occasion, let me express my most sincere condolences to You as his family, relatives, colleagues and all his associates.
Prosecutor Ibrahim Fejza will remain in our memory as an example of a man and professional who with dedication, dignity and high integrity served the institution of State Prosecutor.

May the memory of him be eternal!

With the deepest sympathies and respect,

Aleksandër Lumezi

Chief State Prosecutor