Prishtina Basic Prosecutor's Office

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Indictment for war crimes against Civilian Population

Prishtinë, 9 November  2021 – The Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo (SPRK), has filed indictment in the Basic Court in Prishtina – Special Department, against S.B. for the criminal offense “War crimes against the civilian population”.

The Special Prosecution Office announces that the indictment has been filed against the defendant S.B on suspicion of having committed the criminal offense of “War Crimes against the Civilian Population” punishable under article 142 of the Criminal Code of the former SFRY, as law in force in the time of the commission of the criminal offense.

The defendant S.B. is accused that during the war 1998 – 1999, he had taken hostage victims (spouse) T.K. and R.K.,  of age 60, as well as had inflicted inhuman treatment on them, physical and mental abuse, while the event took place in the village of Bellopojë, Municipality of Peja.