Prishtina Basic Prosecutor's Office

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One person was indicted on Izbica massacre

Prishtinë, 29 March 2022 – The Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo (SPRK), has filed an indictment in the Basic Court in Prishtina – Special Department, against the defendant with the initials M.A, of Albanian nationality, residing in Belgrade, a citizen of the Republic of Serbia.

The Special Prosecution informs  that the indictment against M.A. was filed  due to a well-founded suspicion that he has committed the criminal offense “War crimes against  the civilian population”, sanctioned by article 142 in connection with article 22 of the Criminal Code of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (hereinafter “CC-SFRY”) as a law in force at the time of the commission of the criminal offense, currently sanctioned under the criminal offense “War Crimes in Serious Violation” of article 3 common to the Geneva Conventions, sanctioned by article 146 in connection with article 31 of Crminal Code no. 06 / L-074  of the Republic of Kosovo.

Also, the Special Prosecution informs that the case concerns the Izbica Massacre, which occurred on March 28, 1999, in the village of Izbica, Skenderaj Municipality. The 12-month investigation has established that the defendant M.A. together with as yet unidentified persons of the Serbian police and military forces, took part in the execution of 130 persons, of whom 12 survived. Sufficient relevant legal evidence was provided during the investigation phase, proving the well-founded suspicion that the above-mentioned defendant, in co-perpetration with other members of the Serbian police and military forces, participated in and contributed to the commission of the criminal offense for which he is charged. .

During the investigations conducted by the Special Prosecution, the statements of over 100 witnesses and victims of the case were taken. Also, material evidence was provided, such as: video recordings, autopsy reports and other evidence, which prove that on March 28, 1999, in the village of Izbica, an innocent civilian population was killed.

The Special Prosecution Office informs that the investigation of the Izbica Massacre does not end with the filing of this indictment. The case is larger and much more complex and for this reason investigations are still ongoing on other suspects, to provide other material evidence relevant to the full clarification of this criminal case.

This criminal case has already been transferred to the jurisdiction of the Special Department of the Basic Court in Prishtina for further proceedings.

The defendant M.A. is under pre-trial detention, according to the decision of the Pre-Trial Judge until a new decision by the court.