Prishtina Basic Prosecutor's Office

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Prishtinë, November 2, 2022 – The Special Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kosovo (PSRK),  filed an indictment in the Basic Court in Prishtinë – Special Department against the defendant with the initials D.A.

The Special Prosecutor’s Office announces that there is a well- grounded  suspicion that the defendant D.A., in collaboration with other members of the Serbian Police and paramilitary groups, consisting of the majority of Serbian nationality, during the war in Kosovo, specifically from January – June 1999 , first took part in the forced expulsion and displacement of the citizens of Prishtina and the surrounding area, then they started looting the houses, then aiming damaging the property of the Albanians, they set it on fire. Also, they participated in the mistreatment of Albanian civilians, and some of them were wounded and killed, and among these victims, they participated in the execution of the victim, now deceased B.Sh., actions sanctioned according to local laws, customs of war and International Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols,

Also, there is a well-grounded suspicion that the defendant D. A, on 20.04.1999, in the Butovc village, Prishtina municipality, more precisely in the place called “Varrezat e Maqedoncve”, first he stopped the injured  A.K., at that time minor, fifteen (15) years old, so that after the injured has been stopped by the defendant D.A. and the other Serbian paramilitaries, they continue to abuse, torture and mistreat physically and psychologically, after a while, the automatic weapon is fired, as a result of which he sees that a person has fallen to the ground, he later figured that it is the deceased B.Sh., from the village of Trudë .

With these actions, the defendant D.A. is accused of the criminal offense “War crimes against the civilian population” from article 142 related to article 22 of the CL of the SFRY