Prosecution Council of Kosovo
Secretariat of the Prosecution Council of Kosovo

The Secretariat is a professional administrative body established on the basis of the Law on the Prosecution Council of Kosovo No. 03/L-224 and reorganized with the amendments and supplements of the Law on the Prosecution Council of Kosovo No. 05/L-035.

The Secretariat is led by the Director General, the departments are led by the heads of departments, the divisions are led by the heads of the divisions, the offices are led by the heads of the offices and the prosecution administration is led by the administrator of the prosecution.

The Secretariat includes all administrative personnel who work in the Council and the prosecutor’s office, with the exception of the staff of the Chief State Prosecutor’s Office.

Office of the General Director of SKPK

The General Director of the Secretariat leads and represents the Secretariat and is the highest administrative official in the prosecutorial system and is responsible for the administration of the administration of the Council and the State Prosecutor. The General Director of the Secretariat implements the policies and decisions of the Council and represents the Secretariat in relation to other public, governmental and non-governmental institutions and maintains contacts with foreign institutions in Kosovo, within his scope, ensuring the effective management and functioning of the Secretariat and administration of prosecutions, planning of administrative and support personnel of the Secretariat and prosecutions.

Sami Istrefi
General Director of the Secretariat of the Prosecutorial Council of Kosovo
Tel:fix: +383 (0) 38 200 66014
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj” in Pristina, Prosecutor’s Council Building, IV floor

Internal Audit Unit

The Internal Audit Unit performs the audits foreseen according to the annual plans, which include compliance audits, which mainly cover budget processes, expenses, revenues, cash, asset management, data on assets and their maintenance, procurement and procedures developed for work, supplies, services and human resources audit.
This unit always recommends organizational measures for all findings, in order to improve the situation and fully determine responsibility.

Responsible officer:

Beqir Dauti
Internal Auditor
Tel.fix: +383 (0) 200 66012
“Luan Haradinaj” St., Building of the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor.

Procurement Unit

The Procurement Unit has the responsibilities and is responsible for the organization of procurement work and activities, ensuring that all procurement procedures are carried out in harmony with the legislation in force.
The Head of the Procurement Unit reports to the General Director of the Secretariat.

Responsible officer:

Teuta Krasniqi
Acting Head Head of the Procurement Unit
Tel:fix: +383 (0) 38 200 66032
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj” in Pristina, Prosecutor’s Council Building, IV floor

Public Communication Unit

The Public Communication Unit presents the transparency and accountability of the Prosecutorial Council, presenting direct, indirect and summarized information from the representative activity and activities of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council. and its mechanisms, as well as coordinates the actions of public communication between the Council and the State Prosecutor, proposing relevant policies and plans from its scope.
The Head of the Public Communication Unit reports to the Chairman for professional matters, while to the General Director of the Secretariat for administrative matters.

Responsible officer:

Bedri Gashi
Acting Head Head of the Public Communication Unit
Tel.mob: +383 44 862 022
Tel.fix: +383 (0) 38 200 66011
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj” in Pristina, Prosecutor’s Council Building, V floor.

Investigation Panels Unit

The Unit of Investigative Panels provides professional and administrative assistance, supporting investigative panels to investigate alleged violations of state prosecutors and ensures the efficient implementation of investigative procedures, services necessary for the implementation of the Law and regulation, mandates and functions of the institution.
The officials of the Unit for Investigation Panels report to the Chairman for professional matters, while to the General Director of the Secretariat for administrative matters.

Responsible officials:

Hasime Osmani-Vraniqi
Disciplinary Prosecutor
Tel:fix: +383 (0) 38 200 66042
Adresa: Rr. “Luan Haradinaj” in Pristina, Prosecutor’s Council Building, V floor

Violeta Gashi-Kelmendi
Legal Advisor
Tel:fix: +383 (0) 38 200 66043
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj” in Pristina, Prosecutor’s Council Building, V floor

Iliriana Maloku-Krasniqi
Legal Advisor
Tel:fix: +383 (0) 38 200 60167
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj” in Pristina, Prosecutor’s Council Building, V floor

Unit for European Integrations and International Relations

The Unit for European Integration and International Relations coordinates the activities of the organizational units of the Secretariat of the Prosecutorial Council of Kosovo and the State Prosecutor for conducting research, preparing reports and providing advice on issues of European integration and under the supervision of the Chairman of the Council and the Director of General of the Secretariat coordinates and consults with the responsible institutions and with other relevant external institutions as needed for the field of European integration, with the aim of harmonizing priorities and policies.
The Head of the Unit for European Integration and International Relations reports to the Chairman, the Chief State Prosecutor and the General Director of the Secretariat.

Responsible official:

Margarita Gjocaj
Acting Head Head of the Unit for European Integration and International Relations
Tel: +383 (0) 38 200 66046
E – mail:
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj”, Prosecutor’s Council Building, IV floor.

Coordinator of the Council’s Standing Committees

The Coordinator of the Standing Committees of the Council is responsible for coordinating the activities of the Permanent Committees of the Council for the realization of their mandate, assisting the chairpersons of the permanent commissions for the drafting of plans for the realization of the legal mandate of the commissions, as well as assisting in the evaluation of performance, the drafting of by-laws, the administration of prosecutions and other commissions.
The Coordinator of the Permanent Commissions reports to the Chairman of the Council for professional matters, while to the General Director of the Secretariat for administrative matters.

Responsible officer:

Besim Kusari
Coordinator of the Permanent Committees of the Council
Tel.fix: +383 (0) 38 200 66041
Email: besim.kusari
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj” in Pristina, Prosecutor’s Council Building, V floor.

Certifying Officer

Certifying Officer certifies the realization of all budget expenditures of the Council and the State Prosecutor and ensures that the conditions of applicability of a public contract have been met before making or authorizing payments according to the contract, as well as ensures that the expenditure of public money according to public contracts is done in accordance with the legislation in force and ensures that rules and other legal provisions are respected during the initiation and realization of procurement activities and the processing of expenses.
Certification of subjects is a legal obligation, which is carried out in the work process and reported on a regular basis.

Responsible officials:

Shqipe Lushtaku
Certifying Officer
Tel.fix: +383 (0) 200-66016
“Luan Haradinaj” St., Prosecutor’s Council Building, V floor

Florentina Musliu-Mehmeti
Certifying Officer
Tel.fix: +383 (0) 200-66016
“Luan Haradinaj” St., Prosecutor’s Council Building, V floor.

Department of Human Resources

The Human Resources Department coordinates the planning of human resources in the prosecutorial system and manages the process of planning, recruitment, evaluation and development of human resources, as well as coordinates the administration of personal files of prosecutors and administration officials, provides services for salaries, salary allowances and all other payments to the Council and the State Prosecutor, implementing policies and decisions adopted by the Council and the State Prosecutor, which coincide with the scope of personnel and administration. 
Within the organizational structure of this department are the Division for Salaries and Services of Prosecutors and the  Division for Administrative Staff.


Fehmi Zena
Head of Human Resources Department
Secretariat of the Prosecution Council of Kosovo
E-mail: fehmi.zena
Tel:fix: + 38 200 66010
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj”, Object of Prosecutorial Council, 4th floor, Prishtina

Division for Salaries and Services of Prosecutors;

The Division for Salaries and Prosecutorial Services manages, coordinates and ensures the preservation and implementation of the legislation in force regulating the issue of salaries throughout the prosecutorial system and is responsible for the management of the active and passive personal file of the State Prosecutor, creating the catalog of the file system with a detailed description of the structure and maintenance of the files, as defined by the legislation in force, as well as preparing statistical data on the number of prosecutors and notifying the Council of Prosecutors, whose mandates end in the calendar year and the following year, in order to plan in time the opening of the competition and filling vacancies.

Violeta Neziri
Head of the Division for Salaries and Services of Prosecutors
E-mail: violeta.neziri
Tel:fix: +38 200 66031
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj”, Object of Prosecutorial Council, 4th floor, Prishtina

Division of Administrative Staff

The Administrative Staff Division ensures the smooth running of procedures for the legal-administrative work of staff at all levels of the prosecutorial system, administering employment contracts, appointments and personnel files, preparing statistical data on the number and structure of employees and conducting affairs related to the realization of the rights of administrative staff from the employment relationship.

Brikena Luzha
Head of the Division for Administrative Staff
Tel:fix: +38 200 66030
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj”,
Object of Prosecutorial Council, 4th floor, Prishtina

Department of Budget and Finance

The Department of Budget and Finance proposes internal procedures for the management and implementation of the budget and expenditures for the prosecutorial system, as well as plans and provides the medium-term spending framework and the budget of the Council and the State Prosecutor. It also coordinates and supervises the planning and implementation of the budget and financial activities of the Council and the State Prosecutor, implements the policies and decisions of the Council and the State Prosecutor that coincide with the budget, finances and revenues, and provides mechanisms for identification, planning and needs assessment, cooperating and coordinating budget and financial issues with the Committee on Budget, Finance and Personnel of the Council, as well as cooperating and coordinating the regular audit of budget and finances by the responsible audit units inside and outside the institution. Within the organizational structure of this department are the Division for Budget and Revenue and the Division for Finance.

Suzana Pllana
Head of Department for Budget and Finance
Tel:fix: + 38 200 66008
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj”,
Object of Prosecutorial Council, 4th floor, Prishtina

Division for Budget and Revenue

The Budget and Revenue Division identifies the needs and estimate the budgetary cost of activities of the Council and the State Prosecutor and prepares the draft Medium Term Expenditure Framework for the prosecutorial system, as well as the draft Budget Request for the Council and the State Prosecutor. This division manages the budget according to the relevant internal and external systems and implements the rules and other instructions for budget planning and review; provides information, cooperates and coordinates budget processes with the organizational units of the Council, the State Prosecutor and the Ministry of Finance and Transfers and recommends annual budget changes.

Division of Finance

The Department for Budget and Finance proposes internal procedures for the management and implementation of the budget and expenses for the prosecutorial system, as well as plans and ensures the medium-term framework of expenses and the budget of the Council and the State Prosecutor.
It also coordinates and supervises the planning and implementation of budgetary and financial activities of the Council and the State Prosecutor, applies the policies and decisions of the Council and the State Prosecutor that coincide with the budget, finance and revenue and provides mechanisms for identification, planning and evaluation of needs, cooperating and coordinating budget and financial issues with The Committee for Budgets, Finances and Personnel of the Council, as well as cooperates with coordinates the regular audit of the budget and finances by the responsible units auditing inside and outside the institution. Within the organizational structure of this the department includes the Budget and Revenue Division and the Finance Division.

Suzana Pllana
Head of the Budget and Finance Department
Tel:fix: + 38 200 66008
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj”,
Object of Prosecutorial Council, 4th floor, Prishtina

Department of Administration and General Services.

The Department for Administration and General Services implements policies and decisions approved by the Council and the Secretariat, which coincide with the scope of this department, such as: efficient management of official documents, archives and translation and proofreading activities, asset management (assets), consumables, furnishings, equipment, vehicles, buildings and real estate of the Council and the State Prosecutor, leading, coordinating, supervising and ensuring the necessary logistics for the Council and the State Prosecutor
and the management of Council and Prosecution offices and buildings and their general maintenance, including electrical installations, generators, central heating systems, water installations and the like, as well as the planning, supervision and control of transport services, logistics, maintenance and security for the Council and the State Prosecutor. Within the organizational structure of this department are the Division for Archiving; Division for Logistics and Maintenance;
The Division for Security and Transport and the Division for Translation and Proofreading.

Ardian Bajoku
Acting Head of the Department for Administration and General Services
Tel:fix: + 38 200 66020
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj”,
Object of Prosecutorial Council, 4th floor, Prishtina

Archiving Division

The Archiving Division plans and coordinates the activities for the administration and archiving of documents in the Council and the State Prosecutor, as well as receives, checks, classifies and identifies documents, supervises the receipt and sending of mail and distributes various cases and acts, preserves the official documents, separates the invalid material of the register and makes the submission of archival material from the archive to the competent archive, accepts documents and cases for archiving and takes care of their archiving; takes care of arranging and keeping records of archive materials and maintains the special archive for detailed specific cases and maintains the inviolability of information.

Shqipe Hykolli
Head of the archive division.
Tel:fix: + 038 200 66039
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj”,
Object of Prosecutorial Council, 4th floor, Prishtina

Division of Logistics and Maintenance

The Division for Logistics and Maintenance performs the planning, supervision and control of logistics, supply and maintenance services necessary for the Council and the State Prosecutor, as well as coordinates the logistical support for the Council and the State Prosecutor, inventories and maintains the work equipment, office material and fuel supply and realizes requests for equipment, inventory and supply of administrative materials, as well as maintains the system of property registration, registration and encryption of the entire inventory, buildings, equipment and coordinates the receipt and distribution of goods.

Avni Qerimi
Head of Logistics and Maintenance Division
Tel:fix: + 38 200 66050
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj”,
Prosecutor’s Council facility, floor V, Pristina

Division for Security and Transportation.

Division for Security and Transportation. The Security and Transportation Division carries out the planning, supervision and control of security and transportation services for the Council and the State Prosecutor. Plans and organizes transportation and maintenance of vehicles of the Council and the State Prosecutor and monitors and guarantees the physical safety of facilities and equipment, as well as maintains registers and reports on transportation expenses of the Council and the State Prosecutor.

Fetah Salihu
Head of Security and Transportation Division
Tel:fix: + 38 200 66022
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj”,
Building of the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor, floor VI, Pristina

Division of Translation and Proofreading

The Division for Translation and Lecturing plans and coordinates the translation activities in the Council and the State Prosecutor for the languages for which the respective translation is required; provides professional translation of the written materials for the Council and provides professional translation of the materials placed on the official websites of the Council and the State Prosecutor, as well as provides simultaneous professional translation (at the meetings of different levels for the Council), in order for the official communication regarding the languages to be realized according to the Constitution and the law, provides professional reading of the official documents, documents and materials of the Council and the State Prosecutor and accepts requests for translation, classifies and prepares the accompanying materials.

Nora Dedi
Head of Translation and Proofreading Division
Tel:fix: +38 200 66037
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj”,
The facility of the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor, 6th floor, Prishtina

Department for Information Technology

The Department of Information Technology leads and coordinates the implementation of information technology activities for the Council and the State Prosecutor, as well as conducts the planning, organization, control and evaluation of network infrastructure and other hardware equipment, implementing policies and decisions adopted by the Council and the State Prosecutor that coincide with the scope of information technology. This department supervises and provides support for the use of information technology in the electronic management systems of the Council and the State Prosecutor. Within the organizational structure of this department are the Division for Infrastructure (network and server) and the Division for Electronic Systems (software).

Nexhat Haziri
Head of Information Technology Department
Secretariat of Kosovo Prosecutorial Council
Tel:fix: + 38 (0) 200 66007
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj”, Object of Prosecutorial Council, 4th floor, Prishtina

Division for Infrastructure (Network and Server)

The Infrastructure Division (network and server) administers the network infrastructure and computer systems in the prosecutorial system and the planning, organization, control and evaluation of network infrastructure and other hardware equipment in the Council and the State Prosecutor, as well as the administration, configuration and management of the server system, management and administration with the Data Center, including the compilation and implementation of the plan for Backup and Recovery in case of natural disasters.

Fidaim BEKA
Head of Infrastructure Division (network and server)
Tel.fix: +383 (0) 38 200 66009
Str.”Luan Haradinaj”, Object of Prosecutorial Council, 4th floor, Prishtina

Division for Electronic Systems (software).

The Infrastructure Division (network and server) administers the network infrastructure and computer systems in the prosecutorial system and the planning, organization, control and evaluation of network infrastructure and other hardware equipment in the Council and the State Prosecutor, as well as the administration, configuration and management of the server system, management and administration with the Data Center, including the compilation and implementation of the plan for Backup and Recovery in case of natural disasters. defining the architecture, design and programming of software systems, providing support in the selection of software systems, their installation and technical support for their use, providing training and preparing user manuals, as well as providing technical support for the use of computers and software systems for end users (Helpdesk).

Ilir Hetemi
Head of Infrastructure Division (network and server)
Tel.fix: +383 (0) 38200 66009
Str.”Luan Haradinaj”, Object of Prosecutorial Council, 4th floor, Prishtina

Law department

Law department The Legal Department assists in the drafting of various legal drafts necessary for the regulation of certain issues related to the work of the Secretariat and Prosecutions and provides legal support for the drafting of strategic documents from the scope of the Council and the State Prosecutor, as well as provides legal support for the drafting of secondary legislation, ensuring compliance with the techniques and standards of drafting legislation, ensuring the approximation of the Council legislation with other applicable laws. This department also assists in the implementation of the decisions and regulations of the Council and the State Prosecutor, through the provision of professional opinions and legal advice, professional recommendations and legal analysis in order to issue and implement the decisions of the Council and the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor, as well as with the authorization of the General Director of the Secretariat represents the Council and the State Prosecutor in court disputes and provides professional support to the Council committees for drafting and ensuring the implementation of the strategies and action plans of the Council and State Prosecutor Within the organizational structure of this department are the Division for Legal Affairs and Support of Council Committees and the Division for Legal Representation.

Saranda Sokoli
Acting Head of Legal Department
Secretariat of Kosovo Prosecutorial Council
Tel:fix: +38 (0) 200 66034
Address: Str “Luan Haradinaj”, Object of Prosecutorial Council, 4th floor, Prishtina

Division for Legal Affairs and Support of Council Committees

The Division for Legal Affairs and Support of the Council Committees provides support in drafting regulations, administrative instructions, memoranda or any other sub-legal act, within the mandate of the Council and the State Prosecutor, as well as provides professional support to the organizational units of the Council and theState Prosecutor njësitë organizative të Këshillit dhe Prokurorit të Shtetit, përmes ofrimit të këshillave ligjore apo hulumtimeve, sipas kërkesave të tyre dhe harton shkresa të ndryshme për Drejtorin e Përgjithshëm të Sekretariatit dhe përgatitë të gjitha materialet për takime të Këshillit, përfshirë hartimin e vendimeve të dala nga takimet e Këshillit dhe ofrimin e mbështetjes profesionale për komisionet e përhershme dhe të përkohshme të Këshillit, përmes ofrimit të këshillave ligjore apo hulumtimeve, si dhe bashkëpunon me Koordinatorin e Komisioneve të Përhershme për hartimin e planit të punës dhe reports of the permanent committees of the KPC.

Ermelanda Merdita
Acting Head of the Division for Legal Affairs and Support of Council Committees
Tel:fix: +38 (0) 38 200 66014
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj”, Object of Prosecutorial Council, 4th floor, Prishtina

Division of Legal Representation.

The Division for Legal Representation represents the Council in all disputes, including judicial, administrative or any other representation in contentious proceedings and makes the drafting of various letters of representation in court disputes, then reviewing, analyzing and taking actions within the legal deadlines in compiling the letters in various court disputes and updating the database in terms of active and passive cases, represented in court.