The Chairman

Ardian Hajdaraj

Chairman of the Prosecution Council of Kosovo
Concept Document
Personal Information:
Name and Surname: Ardian Hajdaraj
Pozita: Chairman of the Prosecution Council of Kosovo
1.1. CV Ardian Hajdaraj Chairman of KPC - ENG
Concept Document 29 May 2024
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Chairman of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council
Biography of Mr. Ardian Hajdaraj
Born on: 22.04.1976 in Pejë.

– Faculty of Law Prishtina, graduated on 23.03.2002.
– The Jurisprudence Exam, on May 8, 2004.
– Exam for Judges and Prosecutors, September 2009.

Professional experience:
Legal Practice, Kosovo Bar Association, Office of the Attorney Zenel Mekaj from Peja, 2002-2003.
Professional Associate in the former District Public Prosecutor’s Office in Peja, from 15.09.2004 to 22.10.2010.
Decreed State Prosecutor on 22.10.2010.
Prosecutor in the former Municipal Prosecutor’s Office in Peja, then in the General Department of Basic Prosecution in Peja, from 22.10.2010 to 01.10.2016.
Prosecutor in the Department for Serious Crimes of the Basic Prosecution in Peja, from October 2016.
Expert prosecutor for the development of the CMIS electronic system.
Lecturer at the Academy of Law in the “Case Management” module”.
Professional trainings:
Initial program for legal education for judges and prosecutors of Kosovo, Judicial Institute of Kosovo, 15.09.2009 until 03.12.2010.
Study visit to Nuremberg, Germany, 17-23.07.2011.
Practical Program (Internship) in Germany (3 weeks), 06-24.07.2015.
Transnational organized crime, money laundering and asset confiscation – Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Course for judges and prosecutors, ILEA, Budapest, Hungary.
Joint specialized training for conducting parallel financial controls for seizing and confiscating assets, Pristina.
Workshop for financial investigations, Pristina.
Introductory Training on Internet Crime, Electronic Evidence and Proceeds of Internet Crime, Pristina.
Inter-institutional cooperation regarding the financial investigation, Pristina.
Training for the development of capacities in the fight against corruption, Pristina.
Expertise and its use by prosecutors in criminal proceedings, Prishtina.
Training in the “Criminal crimes of narcotics” module, Prishtina.
Specialized program – training for the development of capacities in the fight against corruption, Pristina.
Training in the “Professional Ethics” module, Prishtina.
Contemporary international businesses, Pristina.
Practical clinical program of civil procedure, Pristina.
Practical clinical program of public administration, Pristina.
Practical clinical program of criminal procedure, Pristina.
Continuing legal education (ABA-CEELI), Pristina.
Current position:
State Prosecutor in the Department for Serious Crimes, Basic Prosecutor’s Office in Peja, from October 2016.
Member of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council from the ranks of the Basic Prosecution in Peja, January 1, 2021.
Chairman of the KPC Commission for the Evaluation of Prosecutors’ Performance, February 8, 2021.
Chairman of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, January 30, 2024.

former Chairman
Former Deputy