The Prosecutorial Council of Kosovo is an independent institution in the exercise of its functions with the aim of ensuring that the State Prosecutor is independent, professional and impartial and reflects the multi-ethnic nature of the Republic of Kosovo including the accepted international principles of gender equality. This mandate is defined by the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo (2008).

Prosecution Performance Review Unit
The Public Prosecutor’s Office conducts research and analysis on the work and efficiency of prosecutions and prosecutors, prepares recommendations for enhancing performance, supports the performance appraisal process of prosecutors and prosecutors, proposes training policies and guidelines for the needs of prosecutors for trainings and prosecutorial staff for trainings organized in support of the Public Prosecutor’s Office and maintains data regarding the professional development of prosecutors and prosecutorial staff for trainings. The unit stores and processes statistical data, creating a database on the work of prosecution offices and prosecutors and drafts analytical reports on the work of prosecution offices and prosecutors, regular periodic reports and at the request of the Council and the Chief State Prosecutor on the work of prosecutorial offices at the country level.
Within the organizational structure of the PPRU are: the Director’s Office, the Prosecutorial Verification Office, the Statistics Office, the Monitoring and Analytical Office and the Training and Professional Development Office are included.

Office of the Director OF PPRU

The Director of the PPRU administers the Prosecution Performance Review Unit and reports directly to the Chairman of the Council, as well as responds to all requests of the Council for information.

The Director of the PPRU implements the decisions and policies of the Council and the Chief State Prosecutor, as well as supervises the process of collecting and processing statistical data of the work of the prosecution offices, preparation of regular periodic reports and training process in the prosecutorial system.

Arta Kelmendi
Director of the Prosecution Performance Review Unit
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel.fix: + 383 (0) 38 200
Address: Str. Str. “Luan Haradinaj” in Prishtinë, Building of the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor, floor VI, no. 603.

Unit for Prosecutorial Verification

The Prosecutorial Verification Unit is responsible for collecting, processing, classifying and reporting the data collected for the candidates/state prosecutors and providing support to the Commission for Recruitment and the Commission for Commission for Reconsideration during the recruitment processes of state prosecutors, for the Evaluation Panel and the Commission for Commission for Reconsideration during the processes for the election of the Chief State Prosecutor and chief prosecutors of the prosecution offices and
for the Commission for Transfer and Advancement during the processes of transfer and advancement of state prosecutors, as well as collecting and processing information from the applications of candidates/state prosecutors in the process of recruitment, advancement, transfer, appointment and preparing for the respective commission the candidate files that meet the criteria for prosecutors and receiving and registering applications.

Ismije Maxhuni

Acting Head of the Unit for Prosecutorial Verification
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel.fix: + 383 (0) 38 200 66100
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj” in Pristina, the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor.

Office for Statistics

The Office for Monitoring, Analytics drafts strategies and ensures the implementation of legislation in the field of work of the prosecutorial system and monitors the registration of cases in the prosecution, maintenance of files and archiving of cases, as well as the application of the electronic register of cases, then analyzes the information from the work of prosecutions and prosecutors and reports on a regular basis, providing support to the relevant committees in the process of recruitment, advancement, transfer and evaluation of prosecutors and to the Commission for Administration of Prosecutions, the Commission for Evaluation of the Performance of Prosecutions and Committees, as well as in cooperation with the Office for Statistics, drafts the Annual Work Report
of the State Prosecutor; quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports on the work of prosecution offices and analytical reports on the case load of prosecutors and prosecutors, the type and nature of cases, the manner of resolution and the efficiency of work, as well as drafts special reports on the characteristic offenses.

Ferzije Ramadani
Acting Head of the Office for Statistics
Tel.fix: + 383 (0) 38 200
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj” in Prishtina, Office of the Chief State Prosecutor, 6th floor

Office for Monitoring and Analytics

The Office for Statistics drafts policies and strategies and implements legislation in the field of obtaining and processing statistical data, and proposes the advancement of the working methodology for the collection and processing of statistical data, statistical research and surveys and statistical data and notes on the work of prosecutions and prosecutors. Drafts regular periodic reports and maintains the database on the work of prosecutors and prosecution offices for the type of data that are not generated by CMIS, as well as conducts statistical research and surveys related to the work of prosecution offices, prosecutors and public trust.
cases, the method of resolution and the efficiency at work, as well as drawing up special reports for characteristic offenses.

Fetije Zabelaj
Acting Head of the Office for Monitoring and Analytics
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel.fix: + 383 (0) 38 200
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj” në Prishtinë, Objekti i Zyrës së Kryeprokurorit të Shtetit.

Office for Training and Professional Development

The Office for Training and Professional Development drafts policies and strategies and ensures the implementation of legislation in the field of professional development in the prosecutorial system and proposes the advancement of the working methodology, assists the Council in defining policies, standards and guidelines for training for prosecutors and other prosecutorial staff. This office oversees the implementation of training programs and maintains records for participation in trainings and drafts periodic reports.

Artan Grantolli
Head of the Office for Training and Professional Development
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel.fix: + 383 (0) 38 200 66923
Address: Str. “Luan Haradinaj” in Prishtina, Office of the Chief State Prosecutor.