Prosecution Council of Kosovo

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The meeting of the Commission for the Administration of Prosecutions is held

Prishtinë, 25 March 2022 – The Commission for Prosecution Administration, chaired by its chairman, Veton Shabani, held its next meeting, in which it discussed the items on the agenda.

In today’s meeting, this Commission discussed the Report on the case load of prosecution offices and the necessary number of prosecutors in the basic prosecution offices, which presents data on the number of prosecutors in each department of each basic prosecutor’s office, charged with cases during 2021, number of cases at work, number of cases received, number of cases resolved and number of cases remaining unresolved at the end of 2021.

Also, before the members of the Commission was presented the Report on monitoring the implementation of CMIS in the Basic Prosecution of Gjilan and the Basic Prosecution of Mitrovica, in which case was discussed the manner of implementation, control of the use of CMIS and the quality of data.