Prosecution Council of Kosovo

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The implementation of by-laws in the Basic Prosecution of Peja and Gjakova is monitored

Pejë/Gjakovë, 20 October 2022 – Following the monitoring of the implementation of by-laws and in order to fulfill their work duties, the members of the Commission for Normative Issues, led by Armend Zenelaj, visited the basic prosecutor’s offices of Peja and Gjakova, where they were received by the chief prosecutor Agim Kurmehaj and acting chief prosecutor Enis Gashi.

In the meetings held in the two respective prosecution offices, the members of the Commission for Normative Issues were informed about the implementation of the by-laws in force and the acts that are in the process of being drafted, discussed and approved in the KPC, the facilitation of access to them, the challenges and difficulties in the implementation of them and the eventual proposals for completing and changing normative acts in general.

Also, these two visits were used for the presentation of the Questionnaire designed for the supervision of the implementation of the by-laws, which will facilitate the work process of the Commission for Normative Issues and will help in the fulfillment of the tasks related to the supervision of the implementation of the by-laws and the drafting of acts foreseen by the Strategic Plan of the Prosecution System for the year 2022-2024.

The Commission for Normative Issues will conduct visits to other prosecutions in the country.