Prosecution Council of Kosovo

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Honorable Chief State Prosecutor,

Distinguished leaders of local institutions,

Honorable ambassadors and representatives of various embassies operating in Kosovo,

Distinguished fellow members of the Council, Chief Prosecutors, Prosecutors and all of you who are part of the prosecutorial system,

Dear guests,

Dear media and civil society

It is a special pleasure for me as the Chairman of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council to address you on the occasion of the Annual Conference of Prosecutors.

There is not much time from the end of the previous year, in which we have achieved results together, of which we can be proud, but even in the year we started, many challenges await us that need our attention. From this perspective, for us and the entire KPC, it is a new beginning, where many tasks await us in advancing the prosecutorial system, through the application of the highest standards in decision-making.

Together we will continue to raise the level of accountability, efficiency and quality of work in resolving cases. This goal will make it possible to have a prosecutorial system with integrity, transparency and that enjoys the trust of the public.

We will continue to work together, with all units of the Council, with the Secretariat, with the Prosecution Performance Unit and all our international and local partners, in order to achieve the planned objectives for the year we have started.

I assure you that part of these plans will be the continuous strengthening of the integrity of the prosecutorial system through a proper system of recruitment of prosecutors, based on merit, evaluation of the performance of prosecutors and proactive decision-making, which ensures accountability and transparent work, based on law and international standards.

The Council, in the past year, has issued nearly 200 decisions, which have been in the service of the prosecutorial system and with the support of international partners has drafted three regulations, relating to the personal file of prosecutors, transfer and promotion of prosecutors, electronic system management (CMIS) and has finalized the Strategic Plan and Action Plan of the prosecutorial system 2022-2024.

Through the Commission for the Evaluation of the Performance of Prosecutors, the Council, during 2021, has finalized the performance evaluation for 65 prosecutors, 53 of them with a permanent mandate and 12 with an initial mandate.

Undoubtedly, the focus will also be on handling disciplinary cases and I assure you that any incorrect and reprehensible behavior will be taken seriously and violators will be punished sparingly, not allowing public confidence to be eroded and at the same time preserving the image of prosecutorial system. In this regard, KPC, only in 2021 has addressed 14 requests for initiation of disciplinary proceedings against prosecutors, establishing investigative panels and based on their findings have been imposed disciplinary measures in accordance with the Law on Disciplinary Responsibility for Prosecutors and Judges.

We have continuously monitored and analyzed the work and needs of prosecutors, in which case, in order to increase efficiency and fill with professional capacity, we have promoted 19 (nineteen) state prosecutors, in the departments for serious crimes and departments for juveniles, in all basic prosecutions, Special Prosecution, The Appellate Prosecution and the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor, and we have simultaneously transferred prosecutors from one prosecution to another.

Among the priorities of the Council will be the advancement of the status of prosecutors and administrative staff, while it will be further promoted and applied unconditionally the electronic case management system and the digitalization of work processes everywhere in the prosecutorial system.

For all those who follow the flow in the prosecutorial system, there is no doubt that the support of our international partners should be highly appreciated, such as: the Embassy of the United States of America, the Embassy of the United Kingdom, the Embassy of Norway, the Embassy of the Netherlands, the Embassy of Switzerland, the German Embassy, the Italian Embassy and other embassies, then the EU Office in Pristina, EULEX, OSCE, UNDP and other United Nations agencies, the Council of Europe, the German Foundation for Cooperation International Law (IRZ), GIZ and other institutions and organizations.

The Council has also continued the policy of open and professional cooperation with local institutions, highlighting: the Kosovo Judicial Council, the Ministry of Justice, the Academy of Justice, the Assembly, the Government, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Chamber of Lawyers, the People’s Advocate, the Kosovo Police and other law enforcement institutions.

KPC has advanced in terms of transparency, in which case it is worth noting the beginning of the publication of performance appraisals and disciplinary decisions of prosecutors. Also worth mentioning is the Memorandum of Understanding between the KPC, CIVIKOS and the PCK on capacity building and communication channels for reporting cases identified by the media and civil society to the prosecution.

Dear fellow prosecutors,

In order to have public confidence in our work, we must work tirelessly and create an environment in which everyone has easier access to justice. Therefore, I would like to briefly mention some of the Council’s priorities for this year:

  • Strengthening the legal framework and organizational structure;
  • Strengthening the integrity of the prosecutorial system (prosecutors and staff);
  • Increasing the level of accountability, transparency and permanent control of work;
  • Further development of the career development system;
  • Cooperation and coordination with local and international partners and many other priorities.

Finally, I call on you to support the prosecutorial system to function as an independent, professional, transparent, efficient, effective and accountable institution.

Highly appreciating the importance of this conference, I thank all those who worked around its organization and wish you success.

Thank you!