Prosecution Council of Kosovo

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Prosecutor Arian Gashi is voted for a member of the KPC

Prishtinë, 17 November 2022 – In the Appellate Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo, the process for voting for the member of the Prosecution Council of Kosovo (KPC) from the ranks of this prosecution was carried out.

On the basis of legal competences, of all the prosecutors of this prosecution who had the right to run for members of the KPC, prosecutor Agron Bajrami and prosecutor Arian Gashi used this right.

Seven prosecutors participated in the election process, as many as there are in this prosecution office, while after the voting process and the counting of votes, with 4 votes in favor, for the position of member of the KPC from the ranks of the Appellate Prosecution Office, prosecutor Arian Gashi was voted, while for the prosecutor Agron Bajrami there were three votes.

The election process in the Appellate Prosecution Office was developed relying on the legal deadlines, because the member of the KPC from this prosecution office, prosecutor Bedrije Syla-Alshiqi, ends her mandate at the end of this year. Also, this process has been monitored by civil society organizations, the Group for Legal and Political Studies and the Betimi për Drejtesi.