Prosecution Council of Kosovo

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Memorandum of Cooperation is signed between KPC and University “Haxhi Zeka” of Peja

Prishtinë, 3 March 2022 – Kosovo Prosecutorial Council and Haxhi Zeka University in Peja have signed a memorandum of cooperation.

This memorandum was signed by the Chairman of KPC, Jetish Maloku and the Dean of the Faculty of Law of UHZ of Peja, Avdullah Robaj.

The purpose of the memorandum is to establish cooperation between the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council and the University “Haxhi Zeka” in Peja, for the possibility of study visits for students of the Faculty of Law in the Basic Prosecution in Peja and the introduction of expert prosecutors to UHZ students, for the presentation of specific topics related to the field of justice.

Also, this memorandum of cooperation envisages the organization of joint professional symposia and seminars and cooperation in exchange of scientific and professional literature for law students.