Prosecution Council of Kosovo

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Members of the Commission for Normative Issues visit the Basic Prosecution Office in Prizren

Prizren, 17 November 2022 – The members of the Commission for Normative Issues, headed by the prosecutor Armend Zenelaj, have made the next visit to the Basic Prosecution Office in Prizren, where they were received in a meeting by the chief prosecutor Admir Shala.

Today’s meeting was held within the framework of monitoring the implementation of by-laws and in order to fulfill the work tasks, in which case the details and informative aspects for the implementation of the by-laws in force and the acts in the process of drafting, discussion and approval were discussed in KPC.

Also, the members of this Commission discussed with the Chief Prosecutor of this prosecution office about the facilitation of access to these acts, the possible difficulties during their implementation and the eventual proposals for their amendment.

Introducing the questionnaire designed for the supervision of the implementation of by-laws, which will facilitate the work process of the Commission and the fulfillment of the tasks for the supervision of the implementation of by-laws and the drafting of the acts foreseen by the KPC Strategy for 2022- 2024, the members of the Commission for Normative Issues, emphasized that the implementation of bylaws will be systematically monitored in the prosecutorial system.