Prosecution Council of Kosovo

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Increasing efficiency in the handling of cases, including cases of violence against women, the topic of discussion by Chairman Hajdaraj with the chief prosecutors of the prosecutor’s offices in Gjakovë and Prizren

Prishtinë, 3 May 2024

The Chairman of the Kosovo prosecutorial Council, Mr. Ardian Hajdaraj, continued the planned activities in the framework of the initiative to visit the prosecution offices of the country, in which case today he visited the Basic Prosecutor’s Office in Gjakovë and the Basic Prosecutor’s Office in Prizren, where he was received by the chief prosecutors of these prosecutors, Mr. Enis Gashi and Mr. Admir Shala, together with their associates.

In both meetings held in Gjakovë and in Prizren, the chief prosecutors of these basic prosecutions informed Chairman Hajdaraj about the activities and work processes developed in the first quarter of 2024 and addressed the challenges and difficulties during the investigation and prosecution of criminal offenses in the territory that they have in their competences.

The chairman of the KPC thanked the chief prosecutors of the basic prosecutor’s offices in Gjakovë and Pejë, in which case he emphasized that his visits to the country’s prosecutor’s offices are aimed at getting to know the current work processes closely and discussing the needs for the implementation of their constitutional and legal mandates , as well as underlining with special focus the commitment to continue the priority treatment of cases of domestic violence, especially violence against women.

Mr. Hajdaraj, Mr. Gashi and Mr. Shala agreed on the full coordination of joint activities for the implementation of the work plans of these prosecutor’s offices for the year 2024, emphasizing also the commitment of the Council to create the most favorable conditions for work, which would help advance the rule of law .