Prosecution Council of Kosovo

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Reaction from the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council

Prishtinë, 26 January 2022 – Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC) reacts to the statements of the participants of the show “Tempus” with the topic: “”Competition for Chief State Prosecutor”, broadcasted last night on January 25, 2022, on Kohavision (KTV).

Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, estimates that in the statements of the panelists of this show there were many untruths and unprofessional, low and malicious statements in relation to the Kosovo prosecutorial system.

The Council considers that the statements and findings made in this show have reflected before the public an unrealistic situation regarding the continuous engagements of prosecutors, KPC members and leaders of the prosecutorial system for the realization of their mandate and objectives in the fight against crime, corruption and all other illegal phenomena, which was confirmed these days by the international organization, “Transparency International”, which stressed that Kosovo has made progress in the fight against corruption.

Also, regarding the process of electing the new Chief State Prosecutor, public opinion has been misinformed, because the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council since the day it decided to announce the vacancy has been transparent and open, where all procedures have been conducted in full transparency to international partners and civil society representatives. Also, there are constant calls for monitoring of this process.

Regarding the findings of relations with the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Kosovo, KPC reiterates its thanks and appreciation for the continuous support it has from this friendly embassy, while announcing the public opinion that the cooperation relations with the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Kosovo are continuing and will continue with the aim of deepening them.

Finally, the KPC, appreciating and respecting the freedom of expression and opinion, demands that this freedom not be abused through untrue and denigrating statements against prosecutors, members of the KPC and the prosecutorial system in general.