Prosecution Council of Kosovo

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KPC presents the draft Strategic Plan 2022-2024 to international partners and civil society

Prishtinë, 27 January 2022 – The Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC) has held a meeting to present and discuss the draft Strategic Plan of the prosecutorial system 2022-2024. In this meeting, in addition to the members of the Working Group for drafting this plan, participated international and local partners, as well as representatives of civil society, who monitor the prosecutorial system.

The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Working Group for drafting the Strategic Plan, the Deputy Chairman of the KPC, Veton Shabani, who thanked all those who have supported the drafting of this plan, with special emphasis on international partners. Deputy Chairman Shabani, said that the draft Strategic Plan of the prosecutorial system 2022-2024 represents the main policy planning framework for the management of the prosecutorial system of the Republic of Kosovo in the next three years.

In this meeting, the Chief State Prosecutor, Aleksandër Lumezi, said that the purpose of this plan is the realization of the foreseen objectives, in which case in a special focus of this strategy are put the punishment of corruption, organized crime and some acts of other criminal offenses, which, in fact, hold the development of the country hostage and are very important in the integration processes in the European Union.

The Chairman of the KPC, Jetish Maloku, said that the Strategic Plan presents a broad framework of the activity of the prosecutorial system, based on best local and international practices. He added that this document also assesses the challenges and risks that may arise during implementation in practice, especially those related to reforms in the justice sector, respectively legal changes.

This meeting was also greeted by Volkmar Theobalt and Cristian Nicoara, representatives of the EUKOJUST project and David Wells, representative of the British project “Strengthening the justice system””.

Following, the chair of the Working Group presented the process of drafting this strategy, as well as the pillars and objectives contained in this draft. Whereas, the Acting General Director of the KPC Secretariat, Valdrin Krasniqi, presented the Report on the implementation of the preliminary strategic plan.

The meeting continued with discussions by the participants, who were also offered the opportunity to send any comments regarding this draft Strategic Plan in writing.

This meeting was supported by the EUKOJUST Project and was held with a physical presence and through the Zoom platform.