Prosecution Council of Kosovo

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Reaction of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council

Prishtinë, 25 March 2022 – Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC) reacts to the report of some non-governmental organizations, regarding the process of electing a new Chief State Prosecutor, entitled “Integrity of the process of selecting the Chief State Prosecutor”, published yesterday in the local media.

The KPC considers that the process for the election of the new Chief State Prosecutor, from the beginning to this stage of the interview, has been objective, non-discriminatory, transparent, comprehensive and fully based on meritocracy.

Publication of concept papers, interviewing of candidates in the presence of representatives of NGOs and international partners, recording and broadcasting of all interviews of candidates through the public media, Radio Television of Kosovo (RTK), which offered the opportunity for every citizen to cover this important event in the justice system, is undoubtedly the best evidence that this process, as the report of this part of civil society states, is a very positive and unprecedented practice so far in any relevant institution, in which case the public, NGOs and media have been given the opportunity to follow directly and in real time this event for the selection of the candidate for the highest position in the prosecutorial system.

Therefore, the tendencies and language used by a part of the civil society, is nothing but tendentious, unfounded and without any legal support, with a background and in the service of those who intend to interfere in the independence of this institution guaranteed by Constitution and applicable laws.

A paradox in itself and extremely incomprehensible is the fact that the same report of this coalition of a part of the NGOs presents them as guilty of an independent, fair and impartial process, a Guide, which deals with the application of Articles 13 and 14 of the Regulation on the appointment of the Chief State Prosecutor and Chief Prosecutors of the Prosecution Offices of the Republic of Kosovo and the forms on the concept papers of the candidates for Chief State Prosecutor.

Therefore, this is beyond any attempt to discredit and denigrate at any cost this process by some circles, which do not want the best not only for the prosecutorial system, but for the entire justice system, when it is known that all the steps, from the beginning to this stage of the interview, have been taken in full with our international partners, who have always supported the prosecutorial system.

Finally, the KPC also asks the political representatives of various institutions to respect the independence of the prosecutorial power and to refrain from any political statements, which would be considered as interference in this process of electing the Chief State Prosecutor.