Prosecution Council of Kosovo

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The comments on the draft Regulation on the activity, internal organization and systematization of the administration in the KPC are reviewed

Prishtinë, 4 August 2022 – The Commission for Normative Issues of the KPC, chaired by the prosecutor Armend Zenelaj, held the next meeting, which was attended by the members of this commission, the members of the KPC, the Acting Chief State Prosecutor, representatives of embassies and representatives of EUKOJUST project.

The purpose of the meeting was to review the comments on the draft Regulation on the activity, internal organization and systematization of the administration in the KPC, these comments, which have been received by representatives of international partners, civil society and professionals of the field.

On this occasion, the participants presented their comments on this draft regulation and after their detailed review, those that have been relevant have been integrated into the entirety of the draft.

In conclusion, the Chairman of the Committee thanked the participants for their contribution through comments, emphasizing that due to the amount of comments, the rest of them will be examined in another meeting.